Please Read Terms & Condition
In consideration if PFC arantingire viewing loan facility, liwe do hereby irrevocably agree, declare & confirm that you/we have personally read and understood/have been read over explained and interpreted in vernacular language, in full before execution of all the terms and conditions which have been received concurrently by myself/authorized representative upon availing of the loan/facility Odin confirmation where of live have been signed the application form by me/our free consent in perfectly sound and deposing state of mind to the express intent and effect that all the terms and conditions of PFC (as amended from time to time) shall be fully effective and legally binding upon myself/ourselves and/or my/our legal representative, successors, admitters, assigns absolutely . The applicant hereby authorize the company (PFC) to provide information about the applicant/firm to (a) any office or branch of any company associated (b) any bank or financial institution , credit bureau, or common service provider who manages a credit bureau or database of defaulting customers(c) any actual or proposed assignee of the company or participant or transferee of any of the company’s right relation to the account ;(d)any one when ordered to do so in accordance with the law of India.
We confirm that attached photograph/s are present true identity of myself/our self/s and for which I/we have accepted full responsibility and agree not to make any claims against the company in respect thereto. I also confirm that I am not a defaulter of any credit institution/bank/financial company etc. liwe full understand that in case of any default, PFC(PFC) may proceed for any legal proceedings and/or involve any outside/recovery agency for recovery of the dues.
By signing this application, I understand that for all the transactions effected thru my account , including my successor, legal heirs, and assignee’s shall be lawfully responsible for making payments of the same , as per the payment schedule’s in force from time to time. I further understand that mere disputing of the transactions shall not absolve my prime liability to defer/delay the payment of my dues and I along with my successor’s, legal heir’s, assignee’s shall be solely liable for all the dues for all the dues as may be billed/outstanding in my account from time to time.
I/We declare that all the particular/s and information and details given/filled in this application form are true, correct, complete and up to date in all respects and that you/we have not withheld/concealed any information whatsoever.
I/We declare that I/we have not made any payment in cash, bearer cheque or kind along with or in connection with this application to the executive collecting my/our application I/we shall not hold PFC (PFC) liable for any such payment made by us to the executive collecting this application . Rejection/authorization of application:
I/We understand and acknowledge that company PFC(PFC) shall have the absolute discretion, without assigning any reasons thereof (unless required by applicable law) to reject our application and the company(PFC) shall not be responsible /liable in any manner whatsoever to me/us for such rejection or any delay in notifying me/us of such rejection and any cost’s, loss/es, damage/s or expense’s, or other consequence/s, caused by reason of such rejection, or any delay in notifying me/us of such rejection, of our application. I/We understand that their charges paid to PFC (PFC) for any reason whatsoever in the pre-sanction or post-sanction stage, I/We will not be entitles to any kind of refund either in part or in full.
I/We unconditionally agree and authorize the company (PFC) that necessary investigation may be conducted as deem fit at their end towards processing of the loan/facility application’s as submitted/forwarded.
Undertaking/product offering/a,
I/We shall welcome the company and/or its group companies, agents/representatives and other business partners to provide means with information on various products, offers and services provided by the company (PFC) and/or its group companies through any mode(including and without limitation to telephone calls/SMSs/emails/letters etc.) on my/our mobile number mentioned in the application form/any changed number and also authorize the company PFC & its group companies, agents/representatives for the above purpose. I confirm that laws in relation to the unsolicited communication’s referred in “national do not call registry”(the NDNC Registry) as laid down by telecom regulatory authority of India will not be applicable for such communication/call SMS etc. received from PFC, its employees, agents and/or associates.
I/we have read and understood the contents in the application form/brochures and I/we are also aware of all the terms and conditions of availing finance PFC.
I/we understand that sanction of this loan/facility is at the sole discretion of the company PFC and upon my/our executing necessary security(ies) and other formalities as required by the company PFC.
The tenure Ire payment interest other terms and conditions of the loan are subject to change as a consequence to any change in the money market conditions or on account of any other statutory or regulatory requirement or at the company’s (PFC) discretion, the company reserves the right to review & amend the terms of the loan in such extent as it may think dream fir. Change of communication’s;
It is my/our responsibility and lime undertake, agree and confirm that I/we shall inform/update the company (PFC) regarding any change/s in my/our address(s) or my/our employment or profession.
Queries:• If applicant/borrower requires any clarification regarding their application/loan, they may communicate with full particulars to:
The receipt of the files application form for the loan/facility does not imply automat/c approval of your loan by the company (PFC1, the company may request for additional documents other that those collected in connection with the application, that all postdated cheques are to be issues favoring.
Basic Information/Confirmation:
I/We admit and confirm that the executive who collected my/our application documents has informed me/us and I/we are fully aware:
That the company (PFC) will not be liable for loss or delay in receipt of documents.
The incomplete/defective application will not be processed and the company (PFC) shall not be responsible in any manner for the resulting delay or otherwise
That the application form, documents/photographs will not be returned under any circumstances once submitted to the company (PFC).
That the quantum of the loan will be finally decided by the company (PFC) and the company has not made any commitments to me/us regarding the same EI that equated installments will be due as mentioned in the repayment schedule.
That the loan foreclosure charges which may be subject to revision are levied/calculated on the balance principal outstanding of the loan.
I/we further confirm that the said executive has collected self-attested copies of the documents from me/us and that you/we were specifically informed that in case of any foreclosure request the applicant and the co-applicant are required to personally visit the company’s customer service cell after which the request will be accepted for issuance of the foreclosure letter.
I/We understand that I/we do furnish two government guarantors along with official undertaking bond duly signed by the senior officer and other relevant document or two private guarantors along with guarantors bond registered with office of the sub registrar, of the state.